Scripture only reports one thing that the Disciples specifically asked Jesus to teach them: how to pray (Luke 11:1). In 2025, the Saint Vincent Retreat program is offering a new series of Spiritual Wellness Days that will provide mini prayer workshops from a variety of perspectives: Praying with the Psalms, the Role of Silence in Prayer, Using Our Imagination to Pray with Scripture, and the ancient monastic practice of praying with Scripture known as Lectio Divina. These Spiritual Wellness Days will be offered on a quarterly basis for a full year. Feel free to attend one, some, or all of these days of reflection designed to address the concerns of our day from a variety of perspectives.

The Saint Vincent Retreat program is offering a new series of Spiritual Wellness Days that provide insights from various disciplines and spiritualities as well as opportunities to build connections with God and others. The Spiritual Wellness Days will be offered on a quarterly basis for a full year. There are no quick fixes to life.  These wellness days and the yearly focus allows you the space and time to understand the problem and tap into the solution—the love of God.  Feel free to attend one, some, or all of these days of reflection designed to address the concerns of our day from a variety of perspectives.

There is still one more Spiritual Wellness Retreat from the 2024-2025 season, the topic of which is Anger.

February 1, 2025
Quenching the Thirst of Anger from the Oases of Wisdom of the Desert Fathers

Father Justin Matro, Benedictine monk and priest, will draw upon the wisdom that the monastic desert fathers discovered in their striving with the anger of their day to lead attendees along the pathways that lead to peace as they strive to navigate an increasingly angry and divisive culture today.  Does civility mean weakness, or is it a strength?

Father Justin Matro, O.S.B. is pastor of Saint Bartholomew Parish, Crabtree and assistant professor of spiritual theology at Saint Vincent Seminary. He is a frequent retreat master and presenter, and has also been active with the local food bank and the local homeless shelter, the Union Mission, where he was board president for a number of years. He has been involved with formation at Saint Vincent Seminary and also served as its rector for a number of years. He is also known for his culinary skills.

Schedule: 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Fee: $35

Check-In: 11-11:30 a.m., ground floor of the barn at the Winnie Palmer Nature Reserve, 744 Walzer Way, Latrobe, PA 15650.

Saturday, April 26, 2025
Praying with the Psalms

Professor of Scripture and Theology at Saint Vincent College, Dr. Catherine Petrany will facilitate a day of reflection and discussion on the importance of the Psalms in the life of the Church and in the personal prayer life of the Christian. The Psalms provide words to express a wide range of human experiences to God in prayer such as praise, contrition, thanksgiving, contrition, and yes, cursing!  Did you know that the Psalms were the prayer book that Jesus used?  

Dr. Catherine Petrany is associate professor of theology at Saint Vincent College, where she teaches scripture. Her work focuses on the book of Psalms and the Wisdom literature of the Old Testament. Her husband, Lucas Briola, also teaches theology at Saint Vincent College and they have a young son.

Schedule: 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Fee: $40

Check-In: 11-11:30 a.m., ground floor of the barn at the Winnie Palmer Nature Reserve, 744 Walzer Way, Latrobe, PA 15650.

Registration Coming Soon!

Saturday, July 12, 2025
The Role Of Silence In Prayer

Chapter 42 of the Holy Rule of Saint Benedict states that monks should diligently cultivate silence.  In our current culture of noise and distraction, this instruction of Saint Benedict is more important than ever!  Benedictine monk and priest, Father Boniface Hicks will facilitate a day of reflection and discussion on the topic of the role of silence in personal and communal prayer.

Father Boniface Hicks, O.S.B. is director of spiritual formation as well as director of the Institute for Ministry Formation at Saint Vincent Seminary. His books include, Through the Heart of St. Joseph, a 33-day preparation for total consecration to Jesus entitled The Fruit of Her Womb, and The Hidden Power of Silence in the Mass. He is the co-author, along with Father Thomas Acklin, O.S.B., the book Spiritual Direction: A Guide for Sharing the Father’s Love, and Personal Prayer: A Guide for Receiving the Father’s Love.A popular retreatmaster, he frequently appears on various radio programs, podcasts, and television.

Schedule: 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Fee: $40

Check-In: 11-11:30 a.m., ground floor of the barn at the Winnie Palmer Nature Reserve, 744 Walzer Way, Latrobe, PA 15650.

Registration Coming Soon!


Saturday, October 4, 2025
Ignatian Perspectives on Using the Imagination to Pray with Scripture

Jesuit priest Father Paul O’Connor will return to Saint Vincent and guide participants in an afternoon of praying with Scripture according to the manner promoted by Saint Ignatius of Loyola known as Imaginative Prayer.  Saint Ignatius encourages us to use our imagination to put ourselves in the scenes that are depicted in Scripture, especially passages from the Gospel.

Father Paul O’Connor, S.J.  is a Jesuit priest and the Director of Mission & Identity at the Jesuit Retreat Center in Cleveland, Ohio where he is a retreat director, teacher, and presenter for a variety of Ignatian retreats, especially the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola. Father O’Connor has done extensive training in Ignatian spirituality and retreat direction. He conducts life transitions retreats, assists people with Ignatian discernment and decision making, and leads Ignatian retreats and programs with the homeless.

Schedule: 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Fee: $40

Check-In: 11-11:30 a.m., ground floor of the barn at the Winnie Palmer Nature Reserve, 744 Walzer Way, Latrobe, PA 15650.

Registration Coming Soon!

Saturday, January 31, 2026
Drawing from the Wells of Scripture using Lectio Divina

Father Tom Hart, Benedictine monk and priest, will lead participants in an afternoon of instruction, discussion, and practice of the ancient monastic manner of praying with Scripture known as Lectio DivinaLectio Divina involves multiple stages during which one engages with the Word: reading (Lectio), reflection (Meditatio), prayer in response to the Word (Oratio), and resting in the Word (Contemplatio).     

Father Tom Hart, O.S.B.,  has served in a variety of capacities at Saint Vincent Archabbey and Saint Vincent College through the years, including as a member of the Religious Studies/Theology Department faculty, and twice as assistant to the president for mission at the college. He has contributed articles to The Bible Today, among other publications, and has given a number of workshops in the dioceses of Greensburg, Pittsburgh, Altoona-Johnstown, Harrisburg, Erie and Little Rock, as well as to the Oblates of Saint Benedict.

Schedule: 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Fee: $40

Check-In: 11-11:30 a.m., ground floor of the barn at the Winnie Palmer Nature Reserve, 744 Walzer Way, Latrobe, PA 15650.

Registration Coming Soon!

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